Side Navigation

BREAKING NEWS: I can't think of an idea for a blog post. But, I made a new artwork, though.

Greetings fellow web surfer, welcome to my website or I like to call it web space. This is a personal website that I've made to write stuff on my blog and make nice art on MS Paint. I hope you have a wonderful time here!


Elaborating further, I've decided to make a webspace in NeoCities since I've been looking to express myself with art and doing blogs. I might be working on my website on some days since I might be busy on weekdays.

19/1/2025: GNU Emacs 88x31 button has been removed since it's no longer my main text editor. Games page has also been updated.
3/10/2024: Updated the About and Games page after a while. Also, new 88x31 button added to the main page. The Vim button! I'm liking the Vim text editor so far!
31/8/2024: I finally added a favicon to my website! Now in every page ever made in this web space! (Except for blog posts, I need to find a way to solve the issue soon.)
29/8/2024: HUGE Major Update! The Blog page has been updated into giving each blog post their own page for ease of use in choosing which blog post to read. Also, three new links added to links page. Debian button removed because I'm now using Ultramarine Linux.
27/7/2024: Added four new stamps and five new blinkies on the Home page.
13/7/2024: I just fixed the error with the months. Mainly, I made a mistake thinking 6 is July but it's 7 due to a monthly error I made. I guess I might've not paid attention to the calendar. It's fixed anyway. Also, 5 new buttons in the Home page. Removed 1 button that is the "Linux Powered" 88x31 button.
6/7/2024: New button has replaced Notepad++ to GNU Emacs because Notepad++ is no longer being used.
26/6/2024: 5 new website buttons added to the Links. Including the new a category for websites I found during my web surfing throughout the internet!
25/6/2024: Two new 88x31 buttons or banners added to the Home page. Arch Linux site button has been removed.
28/5/2024: After so long, the About page has finally been updated. I extended the about me section. Also, the E-Mail and my Neocities profile link has been added. Check it out!
19/4/2024: New website buttons added on the links!
30/3/2024: Added the Games page for insight on my gaming hobby and also some stuff I'm currently playing. I've also fixed the design to make the borders look more neon green.
20/2/2024: Moved my 88x31 button and other website buttons links to their own individual link along with new website buttons being added. Head to the side navigation bar to take a look!
20/12/2023: Added two side navbars from left to right. Gifypet has been moved to left sidebar. New stamps, blinkies and 88x31 buttons have been added. Including my own 88x31 button, which might not be perfect but it's alright. Oh, I've added an image of my avatar on the About page.
15/11/2023: Behold, my new GifyPet has arrived!
14/11/2023: Minor update, I've added the footer to the other pages.
6/11/2023: The blog page has been added to the webspace!
25/10/2023: I've added a Halloween Update for this website. Also, new art just dropped too.
17/10/2023: Updated the Home Page with 88x31 buttons linking to my favourite websites to explore. Along with some additions such as the World Wide Web badge and a footer for my web page.
15/10/2023: Minor update, just changed the width for the About Page.
14/10/2023: After a long hiatus, the site has been fully updated with an update bar, new blinkies n' 88x31 buttons along with the art page being made!
08/09/2023: Website is created!

Having a lot of fun around the